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  • Tuesday, Sep 3rd
    9:40 AM – 10:30 AM PST
    AIT-01 - Mobile Health: Compliance, Value Add, Revenue & Real-World Evidence of Clinical Outcomes
    Location:  Mont Royal Ballroom
    Co-Presenter: Jody L. Green, PhD, FACCT – Uprise Health/Inflexxion
    Co-Presenter: Jeffrey J. Bettinger, PharmD – Saratoga Hospital Medical Group
    Co-Presenter: Ronald Chapman II, Esq., LLM – CCG Healthcare
    AI and Technology
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0
  • Wednesday, Sep 4th
    1:10 PM – 2:00 PM PST
    AIT-02 - (Unmasking Subjectivity: The Complex World of AI in Pain Assessment) Round I: The Good, How AI Will Make Pain Care Equitable
    Location:  Mont Royal Ballroom (Level 4)
    Presenter: Carrie R. Hyde, MD – Carrie Hyde LLC
    AI and Technology
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0
  • Wednesday, Sep 4th
    2:10 PM – 3:00 PM PST
    AIT-03 - AI in Pain Management: Promising or Problematic?
    Location:  Mont Royal Ballroom (Level 4)
    Presenter: Robert A. Bonakdar, MD FAAFP FACN – Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine
    AI and Technology
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    11:00 AM – 11:50 AM PST
    AIT-04 - (Unmasking Subjectivity: The Complex World of AI in Pain Assessments) Round II: The Ugly, Maybe Even COMPUTERS Have Race, Gender, and Class Bias
    Location:  Mont Royal Ballroom (Level 4)
    Presenter: Johnathan H. Goree, MD – University of Arkansas for Medical Science
    AI and Technology
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    4:30 PM – 5:20 PM PST
    AIT-05 - Can Artificial Intelligence Personalize Pain Treatments?
    Location:  Mont Royal Ballroom (Level 4)
    Co-Presenter: Neel Mehta, MD – Weill Cornell Pain Management/NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
    Co-Presenter: Antje M. Barreveld, MD – Newton-Wellesley Hospital Tufts University School of Medicine
    Co-Presenter: Mattias Ohlsson, PhD – Lund University, Sweden
    AI and Technology
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0
  • Friday, Sep 6th
    9:40 AM – 10:30 AM PST
    AIT-06 - (Unmasking Subjectivity: The Complex World of AI in Pain Assessment) Round III: The Final Debate, Does AI Improve Equity Amongst Disadvantaged Groups? What Do YOU Think?!?
    Location:  Nolita 1-3 (Level 4)
    Co-Presenter: Carrie R. Hyde, MD – Carrie Hyde LLC
    Co-Presenter: Johnathan H. Goree, MD – University of Arkansas for Medical Science
    AI and Technology
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0