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  • Tuesday, Sep 3rd
    9:40 AM – 10:30 AM PST
    INTG-01 - Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia, Oh My! Integrative Medical Approaches for These Co-Morbid Pain Drivers
    Location:  Gracia 3-4
    Presenter: David C. Leopold, MD DABFM, DABOIM, DiplABLM – Hackensack Meridian Health
    Integrative Pain Management
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 1
  • Tuesday, Sep 3rd
    11:00 AM – 11:50 AM PST
    INTG-02 - Poking Around: An Introduction and Integration of Acupuncture Into Your Practice
    Location:  Gracia 3-4
    Presenter: Carrie R. Hyde, MD – Carrie Hyde LLC
    Integrative Pain Management
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0 I NCCAOM: 1
  • Tuesday, Sep 3rd
    4:30 PM – 5:20 PM PST
    INTG-03 - Keep the Fire Going: Chronic Stress and "Burn Out" – Helping Us to be Better for Our Patients
    Location:  Nolita 1-3
    Presenter: Nebojsa (Nick) Knezevic, MD, PhD – Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center and University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
    Integrative Pain Management
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0
  • Wednesday, Sep 4th
    9:40 AM – 10:30 AM PST
    INTG-04 - A DO, A PA, and A Clinical Pharmacist Walk Into a Room...An Interprofessional Collaboration
    Location:  Gracia 1-2
    Co-Presenter: Robert N. Agnello, DO – Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine
    Co-Presenter: Elizabeth Raphael, MPAS, PA – Department of Veterans Affairs
    Co-Presenter: Michael G. Williams, PharmD – Fayetteville VA Coastal Healthcare System, Wilmington HCC
    Integrative Pain Management
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    2:10 PM – 3:00 PM PST
    INTG-05 - Nourishing Nerves: Navigating Nutrition-Driven Pain Management
    Location:  Gracia 1-2 (Level 3)
    Co-Presenter: Celeste Nadal, MD – James A.Haley Veterans Hospital & Clinics
    Co-Presenter: Hannah Thorfinnson, PharmD – Butler VA Medical Center
    Co-Presenter: Olivia Schmidt, RDN, LDN – James A. Haley VA Healthcare System, Tampa FL
    Integrative Pain Management
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    4:30 PM – 5:20 PM PST
    INTG-06 - Lend an Ear: Auricular Therapy Protocols for Pain Management
    Location:  Nolita 1-3 (Level 4)
    Integrative Pain Management
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 1 | Mate: 1 I NCCAOM: 1
  • Friday, Sep 6th
    8:40 AM – 9:30 AM PST
    INTG-07 - Are the Psychosocial Components of the Biopsychosocial Approach Really Important? The Risks of Not Integrating Behavioral Health
    Location:  Nolita 1-3 (Level 4)
    Submitter: Ravi Prasad, PhD – University of California, Davis School of Medicine
    Integrative Pain Management
     CE: Contact Hours: 1 | Pharmacotherapy: 0 | Mate: 0