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  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    5:35 PM – 5:45 PM PST
    SAP-01 - (Scientific Abstract Poster Live Presentation) Real-world Treatment Outcomes and Patterns of Rimegepant for the Treatment of Migraine in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area of China: Interim Results
    Location:  Exhibit Hall (Level 4)
    Presenter: Yamei Tang, PhD; MD – Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University
    Scientific Abstract Poster
    Sponsored By Sun Yat-Sen  
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    5:50 PM – 6:00 PM PST
    SAP-02 - (Scientific Abstract Poster Live Presentation) Decreased Opioid Utilization with Lidocaine Topical System 1.8% Compared to Lidocaine 5% Patch: A Retrospective Claims Analysis
    Location:  Exhibit Hall (Level 4)
    Presenter: Irwin Tran, PharmD – ICTran Consulting, LLC
    Scientific Abstract Poster
    Sponsored By Scilex 
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    6:05 PM – 6:15 PM PST
    SAP-03 - (Scientific Abstract Poster Live Presentation) Decreased Cost Utilization with Lidocaine Topical System 1.8% Compared to Lidocaine 5% Patch: A Retrospective Claims Analysis
    Location:  Exhibit Hall (Level 4)
    Presenter: Srinivas Nalamachu, MD – Analgesic Clinical Research LLC
    Scientific Abstract Poster
    Sponsored By Scilex 
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    6:20 PM – 6:30 PM PST
    SAP-04 - (Scientific Abstract Poster Live Presentation) Investigating Thermal Skin Response to Menthol Containing Topical Products
    Location:  Exhibit Hall (Level 4)
    Presenter: Jeffrey Gudin, MD – Department of Anesthesiology, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
    Scientific Abstract Poster
    Sponsored By Sanofi 
  • Thursday, Sep 5th
    6:35 PM – 6:45 PM PST
    SAP-05 - (Scientific Abstract Poster Live Presentation) Efficacy and Safety of Meloxicam Co-Crystal and a Rapid-Absorption Formulation of Meloxicam in The Treatment of Post-Surgical Dental Pain
    Location:  Exhibit Hall (Level 4)
    Presenter: Todd Bertoch, MD – CenExel JBR
    Scientific Abstract Poster
    Sponsored By Rho, Inc. 
  • Friday, Sep 6th
    10:35 AM – 10:45 AM PST
    SAP-06 - (Scientific Abstract Poster Live Presentation) Cebranopadol effects on ventilatory drive, central nervous system, and pain
    Location:  Exhibit Hall (Level 4)
    Presenter: Joseph C. Grieco, PhD – Tris Pharma, Inc.
    Scientific Abstract Poster
    Sponsored By Tris Pharma