In this session, Dr. Eugene Vortsman will delve into the medical and clinical aspects of popular psychedelics. As the Clinical Director of Addiction Medicine, he will explore foundational basic science, share up-to-date discoveries, highlight current clinical trials, and discuss emerging research in the realm of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PAT). Dr. Vortsman's lecture aims to provide a solid foundation for the PAINWeek Psychedelic curriculum, laying the groundwork for subsequent discussions on legal, policy, and regulatory aspects.
Learning Objectives:
Review the origin story synthetic hallucinogens as well as first impressions
Review fundamental most up to date chemical effect of the most common psychedelics.
speak to various complete and incomplete FDA approved studies to evaluate various sychedelics can treat diseases ranging from addiction, PTSD, stroke, as well as chronic pain.
Describe current landscape of commercial use of Psychedelics.
speak to historical research focusing on the potential of psychedelic medicine and dive into it's current revolution.