Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner - Pain Management
VISN 12 Clinical Resource Hub Tele-Pain, VA Chicago Health Care System
Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Thien C. Pham is a Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner in Pain Management at the VISN 12 Clinical Resource Hub (CRH) within the VA Chicago Health Care System. Dr. Pham is a Navy Veteran who earned his PharmD from Touro University, California and completed PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at VA Palo Alto Health Care System and PGY2 in Pain & Palliative Care at Stratton VA Medical Center with the distinguished Dr. Jeffrey Fudin. He received his Advanced Practice Pharmacist (APh) license, teaching certificate from Albany College of Pharmacy, Pain Management and Opioid Stewardship certificates from the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists (ASHP).
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Tuesday, September 3, 2024
4:30 PM – 5:20 PM PST